Vanha kirkko
This memorial is located on the spot of the bell tower built in 1759, that was burned down by the Germans in September 1944. The memorial was designed by the parish housekeeper Veikko Salokannel in 1962. One of the plates on the memorial was first on Finnish and then on German soldier's graves. The original cross of the bell tower is on the memorial.
There is a plaque on the memorial that has an image of the old church.
Plaque text
”1800 rakennettu kirkko, joka tuhoutui sodassa 1944.
”Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton 4.9.1944 solmiman aseleposopimuksen mukaan saksalaisten oli poistettava asevoimansa Suomesta 15.9.1944 mennessä. Kuusamossa oli tuolloin tuhansia saksalaisia sotilaita, jotka heti sopimuksesta kuultuaan alkoivat käyttäytyä uhkaavasti. Ennen evakkoon lähtöään viimeiset kuusamolaiset näkivät, kuinka saksalaiset valelivat talojen seiniä bensiinillä ja vetivät rakennuksiin heiniä. Kaikesta aavisti, että Kuusamo oli joutumassa tulen ruoaksi, myös v. 1804 valmistunut ristikirkko.
Kirkonkylästä jäi tuhoutumatta vain pari taloa ja saunaa. Saksalaiset olivat ennen kirkon sytyttämistä laskeneet alas tapulissa olleet vanhat vuosilta 1698 ja 1721 peräisin olevat kellot ja haudanneet ne hautausmaalle. Kellot löydettiin v. 1959 erään saksalaisen everstin antamien tietojen perusteella. Ne ovat käytössä nykyisessä, v. 1950 valmistuneessa kirkossa.
"The church was built in 1800, and it was destroyed during the war in 1944"
"According to the armistice signed between Finland and the Soviet Union the Germans had to remove their forces from Finland by 15.9.1944. At that time there thousands of German troops in Kuusamo, who started acting in a threatening manner after hearing about the armistice. Before evacuating, the last people of Kuusamo saw how the Germans basted gasoline on house walls and dragged hay into the buildings. From all this one could foresee Kuusamo become eaten by the flames, including the church built in 1804.
Only a couple of houses and saunas in town were not destroyed. Before setting the church on fire, the Germans had taken down the old bells from 1698 and 1721 from the bell tower and buried them in the cemetery. The bells were found in 1959 when information about their whereabouts was given by a German colonel. They are in use in the current church completed in 1950.
Kitronintie 11
The Kuusamo municipality has a total of twenty four statues and monuments. Most of them are about war history, but there are also some that are about significant people and events.
A Monument can be a decorated stone, a wooden, stony or metallic structure, or a simple mark like a metal plate or a carving on a rock.