This memorial is located 8-9 kilometres from the village of Murtovaara towards the village of Kurvinen near the house of Isolehto. The stone erected by Suomen Sotilaskotiliitto (Finnish Military Home Union) has a metal plaque.
Plaque text
”Tällä paikalla kaatuivat 5.7.1942 sotilaskotisisaret Toini Jännes, Greta Palojärvi, Faini Alfecht ja korpraalit V. I. Moilanen, T. I. Rossinen.
Sen suurempaa rakkautta ei ole kenelläkään kuin että hän antaa henkensä ystäväinsä edestä. Joh. 15:13
Muistokiven pystytti Suomen Sotilaskotiliitto”
"On this spot on 5.7.1942 military home sisters Toimi Jännes, Greta Palojärvi, Faini Alfecht and corpolals V. I. Moilanen, T. I. Rossinen were killed.
No one has greater love than this, to lay one's life for one's friends. John 15:13
The memorial was erected by Suomen Sotilaskotiliitto"
Village of Kurvinen
The partisans also attacked the traffic on the road. They specifically targeted the transports of soldiers heading for vacation. The most destructive strike was on the road to the village of Kurvinen in on an early morning in July 1942, when partisans attacked the motorcade transporting leadership and official personnel of the Military Home Union. The group was on an inspection trip from Uhtua through Kuusamo to Kiestinki.
The road went from Hossa in Suomussalmi through Teeriranta to Murtovaara and from there to Kuusamo approximately 10 kilometres from the border. The dust that rose from the safety car driving at the front caused the safety car to move to the back of the motorcade. The partisan unit was lying in ambush on both sides of the road and it destroyed the car and the passengers driving at the front. The car driving at the back along with the bodyguards was saved by driving to the side of the road.
Suomen Sotilasliitto ry erected a memorial cross on the scene of the incident in 1942, and later a memorial stone, which was moved to its current place when Kurvisentie road was being improved in the 1980's
Kurvisentie 83
The Kuusamo municipality has a total of twenty four statues and monuments. Most of them are about war history, but there are also some that are about significant people and events.
A Monument can be a decorated stone, a wooden, stony or metallic structure, or a simple mark like a metal plate or a carving on a rock.