Office of Oulu konepaja Ltd

Oulun kaupunki

The tower of the Oulun Konepaja Ltd's office and residential building is distinguishing feature for many in Pikisaari.

The tall, two-story wooden building in was completed in 1885 and 1889. During the time of the machine shop, it housed the apartments of the factory managers. The ownership of the building was later transferred to Kone Ltd, during which the office was located there. The office's operations were moved to Tuira in the late 1980s and the building was emptied.

A threatening fire broke out in the house in 1991. The building was sold for private use and has been renovated for residential use in the 1990s.

A swimming pavilion on the beach is connected to the building.


Pikisaari is full of industrial history


Pikisaari has a long, 400-year industrial history. Towards the 1970s, however, the industry began to wane and finally stopped altogether. The island is located next to the city center in the Oulujoki estuary and is connected by three bridges to the city center and nearby islands. In the 17th century, there was a pitch manufactorer on the island, from which the island got its name.

Nowadays, the area of ​​Pikisaari is protected and it is especially known as a craftsman and artist district. Among other things, the area is home to the Pikisaari unit of the Oulu regional college, the Oulu Architects Guild, and artists' studios and art gallery activities in the premises of the old Wool Factory.

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