Old wool factory

Oulun kaupunki

Master dyer David E.L.Lindgren, who moved from Satakunta to Oulu in 1860, ran a dyeing shop and yarn shop with his wife. In 1877, they founded a fabric dyeing and spinning mill in Pikisaari. In 1896, the company passed to the Lindgrens' 20-year-old son, Otto Lindgren, who later changed his surname to Karhi. In the same year, the business of the shop registered in the trade register, which included "Dyeing and chemical laundry, steam mill, malt factory and yarn shop". The operation soon expanded comfortably, but Otto Karhi, who was active in many areas, left the family business as early as 1903.

In 1918, Walde Hyry became the owner of the company, and the name changed to Uleåborgs Yllefabfik Ab, or Oulun Villatehdas Oy. In 1925, a cloth weaving mill was built on the factory premises, and in 1937, an extension to the spinning mill building. In 1952, a large weaving building designed by architect Mikko Huhtela was built.

The recession of the wool industry in 1958 affected Oulu as well, which eventually led to the closing of the factory in 1963.

In the 1980s, the Oulu Home Industry School was built in the area of ​​the Wool Factory. The textile building currently houses spaces for artists.


Pikisaari is full of industrial history


Pikisaari has a long, 400-year industrial history. Towards the 1970s, however, the industry began to wane and finally stopped altogether. The island is located next to the city center in the Oulujoki estuary and is connected by three bridges to the city center and nearby islands. In the 17th century, there was a pitch manufactorer on the island, from which the island got its name.

Nowadays, the area of ​​Pikisaari is protected and it is especially known as a craftsman and artist district. Among other things, the area is home to the Pikisaari unit of the Oulu regional college, the Oulu Architects Guild, and artists' studios and art gallery activities in the premises of the old Wool Factory.

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