500 m

Flood Plaque

Oulun matkailuneuvonta

On the wall of a wooden house in the corner of Hallituskatu and Rantakatu streets, there is a small, oval plaque that shows the height of a flood on 1 December 1878. It is said the deluge even claimed a human life, when sailor Johan Mällinen failed in his attempt to save a pig. First, Mällinen transported his wife and children to safety from the flood-ridden Sonnisaari island to Kuusiluoto by boat. His second trip sealed Mällinen's fate: the boat capsized and both the pig and Mällinen drowned.

Tracking History in Oulu

Get to know the history and unique buildings in Oulu. Along your route, you will see the City Hall, the Cathedral, the idyllic Pikisaari island, and other historical and modern buildings and visiting locations in Oulu.