Stages of the Näränkä Wilderness Farm

Kuusamon kaupunki

Risto Kyllinen, born in 1788, and his wife Marketta established a homestead in Näränkävaara on 1841.

After Risto the farm was managed by his oldest son Risto, the second oldest son Paavo, and eventually from 1887 Paavo's son Eljas Kyllinen, who was later know by the name Eljas Näränkä. The years managed by Eljas were eventful. The fate of the farm was sealed, when Eljas did not pay for a horse, who died before the second payment was finished. This led to a situation where a forced sale of the farm was held. Eljas lived on the farm for another 13 years, until he was evicted in 1916 due to unpaid taxes. The Näränkä wilderness farm was uninhabited for 12 years.

Alatalo, a croft, was inhabited by the family of Eljas' sister Madleena and Juho Juntunen. Their daughter Amalia and Iivari Määttä moved to the dilapidated Näränkä wilderness farm in 1928 and made it lively once again.

After the Winter War broke out in 1939, all approximately 20 buildings on the Näränkävaara hill were burned down.

After the war, Iivari Määttä, who later changed his surname to Mäntysola, rebuilt the house on its original spot. In the beginning of the 1950's during isojako (great partition), Iivari reclaimed the farm to himself and Näränkä stayed inhabited until the mid 1960's.

Iivari sold the farm to Rauma Repola in 1970. The ministry of environment bought the farm from Enso and gave it to Metsähallitus in 1998. Metsähallituksen luontopalvelut designed trails in the area, recorded the history of the farm and the area, and restored the house for rental use.


Näränkä Hill Trail


Närängän vaaranpolku vie sinut pohjoiseen luonnonmetsään, kertoo tilan historiaa ja tarjoaa luontohyvinvointia.

Reitti sopii koko perheen päiväretkeksi. Vaaran päälle nousee sorapintainen leveä polku, toisella puolella vaaraa kuljetaan metsäpoluilla. Kolmen kilometrin reitti on vaativa korkeuserojen takia.

Vaaran päältä avautuvat upeat näkymät. Evästaukoa voi viettää erämaatilan tulipaikalla.

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