The Evacuation

Kuusamon kaupunki

Emäntä kertoo evakkoon lähdön hetkistä.mp3

The lady of the Näränkä farm had everything packed by now. Her husband and the horse already left when the Winter War had started on 30th of november 1939.

The lady waited that a sled pulled by horses would show up on the road that rose to the yard, but a group of finnish soldiers skied to the yard instead. The lady knew as she was leaving the property, that she would not return to that house again, but she swore to return to Näränkä.

The approximately 20 buildings on Närängänvaara were burned down per the scorched earth strategy when the Winter War broke out. Only the sauna was left unburned. The soldiers did set it on fire, but the fire made on the benches fell to the ground and went out.

After the end of the wars Amalia and Iivari returned to Näränkä and built a porch in the front of the sauna. The lived there for the first winter and built a new farmhouse, cowshed and barn.

The barn, which was completed in 1943, is the oldest of the current buildings. The current sauna was completed last, in 1958.


Näränkä Hill Trail


Närängän vaaranpolku vie sinut pohjoiseen luonnonmetsään, kertoo tilan historiaa ja tarjoaa luontohyvinvointia.

Reitti sopii koko perheen päiväretkeksi. Vaaran päälle nousee sorapintainen leveä polku, toisella puolella vaaraa kuljetaan metsäpoluilla. Kolmen kilometrin reitti on vaativa korkeuserojen takia.

Vaaran päältä avautuvat upeat näkymät. Evästaukoa voi viettää erämaatilan tulipaikalla.

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