100 m
The Koivunen family built a temporary residence in Tolpanniemi after the Second World War. The cottage became Pelle's, when the new home for the Koivunen family in place of the one destroyed during the war was completed on Kirkkotie road. Pellervo Koivunen was the bookworm of the siblings and among other things, was the first librarian in Kuusamo. He also had merit as an ornithologist and the roads of Tolpanniemi are named after the birds Pellervo spotted. The cottage was destroyed in a fire in the 1990's. The photographs shows Pelle in his cottage in the 1960's and the "Poutahaukan Poika", which was painted by Lahja Koivunen in 1924. Pelle later recognized the species as a Common kestrel.
Lahja Koivusen virtuaalireitin voi kiertää haluamallaan tavalla. Voit tutustua paikkoihin maantieteellisessä järjestyksessä etelästä pohjoiseen tai päinvastoin, voit kurkata kohteen silloin, kun sen lähimaastossa kuljet, vahingossa tai tarkoituksella.
Kohteet kartalla kertovat muun muassa, missä Lahja on taulujaan luonnostellut ja missä Koivusen perhe on eri aikoina asustellut.