200 m
The art of artist Lahja Koivunen developed through the decades from the 1930's romantic nationalism to a distinctive impressionistic expression, that was influenced by Helene Schjerfbeck and Reidar Särestöniemi, both of which were admired by her. Despite her idols, Lahja Koivunen walked her own path; she lived and worked as an artist according to her conviction and intuition regardless of what others thought of her. Art was a means of showing gratitude to God for bestowing the gift of life to her.
The output of Koivunen is enormous; over 100 graphic arts paintings, at least 600 oil paintings, dozens of watercolour paintings and a couple of sculptures.
-They have flown to the winds of the world, I haven't kept a record of them, the artist herself stated.
The watercolour painting shows spruce trees of Valtavaara (1959).
Lahja Koivusen virtuaalireitin voi kiertää haluamallaan tavalla. Voit tutustua paikkoihin maantieteellisessä järjestyksessä etelästä pohjoiseen tai päinvastoin, voit kurkata kohteen silloin, kun sen lähimaastossa kuljet, vahingossa tai tarkoituksella.
Kohteet kartalla kertovat muun muassa, missä Lahja on taulujaan luonnostellut ja missä Koivusen perhe on eri aikoina asustellut.