100 m
The close relationships with her siblings carried through the life of Lahja Koivunen; father Kaarlo was away a lot due to his job as an agricultural advisor and mother Ida was good-natured but fickle. Her childhood was happy however, the days went by playing and working with Kyllikki, Angervo, Päärly and Pellervo. According to mother's instruction the cows were milked when the milk container in the kitchen was empty. Animal husbandry was the work of Lahja. The other home of the family was located in Lopotti, A pencil drawing of a cow is one of the earliest surviving works of Lahja from the early 1920s.
Lahja Koivusen virtuaalireitin voi kiertää haluamallaan tavalla. Voit tutustua paikkoihin maantieteellisessä järjestyksessä etelästä pohjoiseen tai päinvastoin, voit kurkata kohteen silloin, kun sen lähimaastossa kuljet, vahingossa tai tarkoituksella.
Kohteet kartalla kertovat muun muassa, missä Lahja on taulujaan luonnostellut ja missä Koivusen perhe on eri aikoina asustellut.