100 m
The first residence of the Koivunen family was located on Kätilönmutka, from which the family moved through Lopotin mutka to a house built by father Kaarlo on Kirkkotie road. The neighbouring church was immortalized on a watercolour painting by Lahja Koivunen in 1924.
The years following the second World War were difficult. Everything had to be started anew. The Koivunen family built a cottage in Tolpanniemi and later a new home by Kirkkotie road, where a flower shop and a library of brother Pellervo was opened. Out of the works done by Lahja in the 1940's only a few have survived; it is likely that her energy went towards rebuilding and the new beginning. There was a constant shortage of painting tools. The surviving tools are mostly sketches.
Lahja Koivusen virtuaalireitin voi kiertää haluamallaan tavalla. Voit tutustua paikkoihin maantieteellisessä järjestyksessä etelästä pohjoiseen tai päinvastoin, voit kurkata kohteen silloin, kun sen lähimaastossa kuljet, vahingossa tai tarkoituksella.
Kohteet kartalla kertovat muun muassa, missä Lahja on taulujaan luonnostellut ja missä Koivusen perhe on eri aikoina asustellut.