Generative laser projection on Chemical Paint Canvas. AMNESIA is an Immersive installation conceived as a seven-stage painting performance. On a circular canvas, memory comes to life, its pulse, its vitality, its loss and what remains of it. The light, in contact with the material of the canvas, becomes real in colour, becomes tangible. The colour starts to orchestrate a dance of real time visual-sound compositions that trace the pulsing of life and memory, only to disappear and clear the way for the next moment.
Hupisaarten kaupunginpuisto Oulun taidemuseon takana
This year, the festival features fiveteen light installations, and the artwork route runs through the city center of Oulu and Hupisaaret Park. Welcome to the Lumo Light Festival on November 22-24 from 4 PM to 10 PM! ⭐