Home in a Village of Dugouts

Kuusamon kaupunki


Returning to their scorched home ground, the people of Kuusamo set out to live in the dugout colonies built by the Soviet troops. The occupiers had arrived in autumn 1944 and, in the course of two months, had built numerous dugout colonies around the village, e.g., by the Kirkkolahti shore right here, and on the banks of River Nilojoki.

The estimated number of dugouts was 300. There were also cowshed dugouts and a cinema dugout called Monttu (The Pit) in the parish village.

Audio file: Listen to a young bride’s description of life in a dugout home.

· Dramatization of a story told by Elvi Pesonen in Helena Palosaari’s book Me selvisimme - Kuusamon kohtalonvuodet 1939–1950 (We made it – the fateful years of Kuusamo 1939–1950)

History Trail

History Trail at Kuusamo town centre.

  • Length approximately 2 kilometres
  • Accessible on foot, by bike, by wheelchair, or with a baby carriage during no-snow season
  • An overview of the history of Kuusamo from before the wars of 1939–1945 to the reconstruction period in the 1950s