1 km
Alavieska's library and art exhibition
Alavieska's library is designed by Jorma Paloranta and it was finished in 2001. The library has been in function since 1881, but in different premises.
The library has a newspaper reading room, art exhibition space, client computers, possibility to listen to music and take copies. The library also has a wide selection of e-materials.
Librarys visiting hours:
Alavieska's library is a part of Joki libraries. They have a common library card, rules of use and regional transport.
The library organizes various events throughout the year.
Event calendar:
(Linkki tähän / Kirjaston tapahtumat)
Artworks on display at the library are from the following artist: Seppo Autio, Oma Orell, Mauri Laakkonen, Veijo Juola, Tauno Haatanen, Mauri Rönni and Julia Saukko.
Alavieskassa on kokoonsa nähden mahdollista kokea paljon taide- ja kulttuurielämyksiä sekä tapahtumia.
Alla poimintoja moneen makuun, joiden tarkemmat tiedot löydät kokoelman kohdekorteista.