1 km
Alavieska's Museum
Open in summer time 2024:
Wed - Fri 12 - 17
Sat - Sun 12 - 15
Museum open during Alavieska Days
Sun 7.7.- Sun 14.7.2024
Free entry.
Contacts: Library director Ulla-Mari Kivi (044-5395268)
The museum has been used as a parsons hut, which was one of the buildings on parsonages farm.
The house is a log-framed semi-detached house i.e. there is a large room at each end of the house. Those rooms were a (RENKITUPA) and a bakery room. Between them was a bedroom and also an hall where there was no fireplace.
Throughout history, the building has had many other uses.
Held there were orphan child auctions yearly in the late 19th century.
Later the house was up for use for the person that rented farmland.
In the 1930's the house was also used as a office of the Finnish White Guard. After the war (40's and 50's) the building was used as a elementary school.
The house served as a meeting place for the congregation. In the 50's and 60's the place was commonly referred to as a parish home. The building also functioned as a club house for a long time, and many different clubs and also professional courses have been held there.
Alavieska society club started museum activities in the building in 1977, and it was opened to the public in 1978.
Alavieska society club handed over the maintenance and responsibility of the museum to the municipality in 1999.
Ownership of the museum building was transferred from Alavieska's parish to the municipality in 2012. The municipality has done museum development work years 2018-2019.
Alavieskassa on kokoonsa nähden mahdollista kokea paljon taide- ja kulttuurielämyksiä sekä tapahtumia.
Alla poimintoja moneen makuun, joiden tarkemmat tiedot löydät kokoelman kohdekorteista.