500 m

10. Lauri Rankka: Focus

Pikinen Poloku 2024


Pikinen Poloku – environmental art in Pikisaari, Oulu from June 11th to the end of September, 2024

Pikinen Poloku environmental art path returns in the summer 2024 with new art works. The art path, organized by local artists working in the old wool factory Vanha Villatehdas, circles the shores and forests of the Pikisaari island. The nearly 20 art pieces, that are from 15 different artists or groups that work in Pikisaari, are located in the island’s nature. You are warmly welcomed to exprerience the path and art during the summer 24/7!

Free entry. The main path is wheelchair accessible. The length of the art path is less than one kilometer.In addition to the environmental art exhibition, the path also hosts special events during the summer.

Read more about the events via Vanha Villatehdas's and Pikinen Poloku's social media accounts during the summer on Facebook: ++fb.com/groups/pikinenpoloku++ and on Instagram: ++instagram.com/vanhavillatehdas++

An interdisciplinary approach is featured in this summer's exhibition through the collaboration between visual artist Päivi Pussila and dancer Elina Tähtelä, centered around Pussila's work Hovering Blue on Tuesday, June 18th at 2 pm.

Guided nature tours will also be arranged in co-operation with the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and its Oulu district organization. The nature tour is on Sunday, June 30th at noon and will be held by Kalle Hellström. The environmental art path Pikinen Poloku wants to promote nature preservation and the unique culture environment of the island of Pikisaari.

The artists of Pikinen Poloku 2024 are Anni Arffman, Jari Huhta, Helena Kaikkonen & Päivi Pussila, Leena Kangas, Helena Kankaansyrjä, Janica Karasti, Pirjo Lempeä, Sakari Matinlauri & Ari Järvinen, Karoliina Niemelä, Jyrki Poussu & Sirja-Erika Virpikari, Päivi Pussila, Lauri Rankka, Kari Södö, Raimo Törhönen & Tuomo Kangasmaa and Veikko Törmänen.
