500 m

Sanni's memory in Oulu

Sannin tarina.MP3

"This photo captures best what I think is best in Oulu: a sunset at Äimärautio with my favourite pony by the sea. At the time, Natas, the pony, was acting completely wild, and I was afraid to ride it. It was clearly stressed about something, but when it seemed to have calmed down, I finally rode it. It bucked and tried to rear, resembling a rodeo. Miraculously, I did not fall of the pony, and the rest of the trip went smoothly with friends. Martta, the dog, was also with us on this trail riding trip. So, I dared to face my fears. That was my last trail riding trip at Äimärautio stables as Natas left from there. That's why the trip will stay in my memories."

You can also listen to Sanni's story from a recording (in Finnish).

Photo: Sanni Saraniva, born 2008

Youth Junctions: Oulu in Pictures

Welcome to the junctions of the youth! This is an art-route, which leads you to the thoughts and viewpoints on how the youth sees Oulu. On the route, there are pictures, videos and ideas, which reveal the city through young people's eyes, but at the same time challenges you to view the city in a new way.

Mobile Futures -project by Oulu University and BestBeloved Museum -project by Northern Ostrobothnia Museum arranged a photo competition for youth in Oulu during the summer and autumn of 2023. Many wonderful pictures were sent, and the winning participants were chosen in the beginning of 2024. The content on the route is produced by them and their work is also being shown in an exhibition during 23.8.-20.9.2024 at the greenhouse in Ainola park. The chosen participants are Veeti Taimisto, Mohammad Al-Masni, Sanni Saraniva, Sofia Uusi-Kauppila, Petra Tuominen and as a group: Elisa Bolszak, Milla Merkkiniemi, Taika Kauppi and Nella Sauvola. This photowalk-route leads you from Pikisaari to the exhibition in Ainola park and shows their work, as well as some pictures that are not displayed in the exhibition.

This art-route and the exhibition are composed of the pictures from the competition, which tell us stories about Oulu by young people. Through these stories and pictures the city spaces and the nature within the city centres get more meaning, with the understanding of companionship, well-being, city aesthetics and lounging. Researcher Iida Kauhanen: "The reason for this competition came from our studies and museum work, where we made an observation on how the experiences of young people get usually overlooked." Youth Junctions: Oulu in Pictures exhibition focuses on highlighting the experiences of youth about the places they feel important to them. The participants have also been in a major role on planning the exhibition. BestBeloved Museum -project and Mobile Futures -project have made this whole production possible.

Share any thoughts, wishes or feedback about the photowalk or the exhibition to us on our socials! Nothern Ostrobothnia Museum Instagram and Facebook are always active.

The team responsible for organizing the exhibition:

Oulu University, Mobile Futures -project researchers Joa Hiitola, Seija Jalagin, Iida Kauhanen and Elina Turjanmaa

Northern Ostrobothnia Museum, BestBeloved Museum -project manager Karoliina Autere, interns Venla Jurva and Veera Sippola

Oulu University of Applied Sciences, lecturer of audiovisual and visual design Aleksi Kauhanen

Visual desing of the exhibition: Veeti Taimisto

Photowalk and Atla application: Venla Jurva

Prints and museum technology: Paavo Hiltunen, Mirva Ahmakallio and Mika Siekkinen

BestBeloved Museum: https://pohjoispohjanmaanmuseo.fi/en/services/parasrakas-museo-hanke/

Mobile Futures: https://mobilefutures.fi