100 m

Feed station

Kuusamon kaupunki

At this location stood the railway yard and buildings of the Kenttärata field railway Feed Station (Futterbahnhof). The railway yard was 265 m long and contained five switches.

In addition to two main tracks, there were two side tracks on the railway yard. There was also a station and various warehouses such as a hay store and timber store. Alongside the middle track ran a wooden platform for unloading.

The Feed Station was completed in summer 1944, and the first supply trains arrived in July 1944. Hay was shipped from Germany to Oulu, where it was brought by railway to Hyrynsalmi and from there to Kuusamo via the Kenttärata field railway. German supply troops transported hay to the horses and mules used by the German 20th Mountain Army in the Kiestinki area.

The ceasefire agreement between Finland and the Soviet Union, signed on 4 September 1944, required the withdrawal of German troops from Finland. Withdrawing from the Kiestinki area, the Germans followed the so called scorched-earth policy, and destroyed all the Kenttärata field railway stations and bridges, including this Feed Station.

The Kenttärata tracks were dismantled after the war and, as German property, turned over to the Soviet Union.